The Road to Functional Programming

Educational material to learn functional programming in Scala, from scratch, in a structured and comprehensive way.

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Pure functions and referential transparency

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

In this chapter we’ll see what are pure functions and why they are at the center of functional programming. This is a big topic with plenty of concepts and language features that will take me several sections to cover but it’s at the very foundation of FP and complex software design so it’s very important that you build a strong foundation on pure functions.

Pure functions

Pure functions are the essence of functional programming.

Adapting a quote from the book Functional Programming, Simplified by Alvin Alexander, functional programming are the techniques and methods that result from restricting ourselves to pure functions.

So, what is a pure function? It is a very simple machine, as seen from the outside world, because it’s a type of machine that requires some data to work on and that spits out the result. We can imagine it as closed box with three simple parts:

  • the inputs, where you put the data the machine can work on;
  • the engine (the body of the function), which uses the input data, and the inputs data only, to produce an output;
  • the output, which is some elaboration of the input data.

Here’s a simple example in Scala:

def double(input: Int): Int = input * 2
def length(input: String): Int = input.length


// Output:
//   Int = 6
//   Int = 2

Note that “the engine” is not allowed to modify its inputs. It’s very important to stress that the engine works only on the data given as inputs and produces a result that is only presented at its output. There is another way to rephrase this same concept that I see quoted more often on the web which says that the output of a function depends only on its inputs.

There is nothing else that “the engine” can do:

Inputs -> elaboration of the inputs into output -> Output

Why? What other things can a normal function do beside giving a result? Plenty.

Can you think of a function that does something other than returning a result? Let’s see together some examples.

// def println(x: Any): Unit = Console.println(x)
println("Hello, World!")

// Output:
//   Hello, World!

A function can print on the screen. That’s not a value that it returns, actually println doesn’t return a value but just Unit. A function that returns Unit has always side effects or it won’t be a useful function.

// def readLine(): String = in.readLine()
val line =

A function that can read some text from the keyboard. This time the function returns something (what has been read) but there is no input! The internal engine of the functions has no input to work with and the output is produced in some other way! A function that produces an output with an empty argument list is always an impure function or it won’t do real work.

// public final Date getTime()
// NOTE: This is defined in java. But still no arguments.
import java.util.Calendar

// Output:
//   java.util.Date = Sun Dec 22 00:54:55 CET 2019

A function that returns the current time is similar to the previous previous example where the output doesn’t depend only on the input. The function’s engine didn’t really work on the inputs to produce an output.

// The list is empty, there is no head of the list

// Output:
//   java.util.NoSuchElementException: head of empty list

A sample function can work on a list to get the first element but then it throws an exception before it can return the head. Yes, an exception is not a return value of a function, it’s something else that the function can do and that you can handle in some specific ways.

var state: Int = 0

def increment(amount: Int): Int = {
    state += 1


// Output:
//   Int = 1
//   Int = 2
//   Int = 3

A function that works on a shared counter and increments this counter by a number and returns the current counter value. This is not pure because several calls of the same method with the same arguments return different values. Or in other words the output doesn’t depend only on the inputs of the functions but also on an internal state.

All these cases where the function produces anything that is not in the workflow input -> elaboration -> output are called side effects and the function is not pure.

To summarize, some easy way to quickly understand if a function is impure is to check if:

  • it returns Unit (it must do side effects to be useful);
  • it requires no arguments (the output is produced );
  • it can throw exceptions;
  • there is an internal or shared state that the function uses.

It’s more difficult to reason with impure functions because they can do things that are not contained in their box and there are plenty of unexpected things that can happen that you need to handle. You need to handle exceptions. You need to reason about the interactions that the function calls you’re making do with other components of your system, you need to plan for network delays, you need to check a file is present or your functions, you need to provide thread lock mechanisms if your functions shares a state.

Alvin Alexander has a great article about the benefits of pure functions and I want to quote here just the summary of his points:

  • They’re easier to reason about
  • They’re easier to combine
  • They’re easier to test
  • They’re easier to debug
  • They’re easier to parallelise
  • They are memoizable
  • They can be lazy

Pure functions are as close as we can get to mathematical functions in programming.

In mathematics the input and output are sets while in programming they are types. Using the description of Bartosz of types “the simplest intuition for types is that they are sets of values.”. Scala Boolean is a set with two elements called true and false, Int is a set that contains the integer that your JVM can represent, String is a set with infinite elements (limited by the memory you assign you the JVM).

Then we use our programming language of choice to define how the output relates to the input, using keywords, variables, calls to other functions and so on, in other terms we program the engine of the function.

Exercises 4.1


Create a pure function String => String that associates each input string into its uppercase string.


Create a pure function Int => Boolean that associates even numbers with the value true and odd numbers with the value false.


Using your result of the exercise of animals in the case classes chapter, create a pure function with signature Animal => String that given an animal it returns the type of animal.

Working with expressions

Any program is composed of statements and expressions where statements are operations, or actions, that can be performed and expressions are something that produce a value. I summarized this sentence from the article Statements and Expressions in Scala.

In functional programming we like that every statement has a value when evaluated because we can use the definition of referential transparency and reason better about our code.

Scala adopts this line of reasoning and everything is an expressions in what is called expression-oriented programming, so that constructs that you would normally consider as statements are in fact expressions. Ifs and pattern matching are examples of this even when it doesn’t seem so.

Here we have a simple if expression that prints a different text depending on the value of a condition:

if (true) println("true") else println("false")

// Output:
//   true

We can prove that this code has in fact a well defined value:

val result = if (true) println("true") else println("false")

// Output:
//   true
//   ()

and this value is Unit (the double ()) because the value that the evaluations of the if statement produces is the value returned by the println function and that is Unit.

When working inside functions is good practice to never use the return keyword because it can introduce parts of the code that are not evaluated or that return values not compatible with the return type. In this example we see how a missing else statement makes the code failing at compilation:

def badStatement(cond: Boolean): String = {
  if (cond) return "A"

// Output
//   type mismatch;
//    found   : Unit
//    required: String
//     if (cond)
//     ^
//   Compilation Failed

In Scala the value of an expression is always the value of the last expression evaluated, this is why you don’t have to use the return keyword inside a function.

Referential transparency

Referential transparency is a concept that is very tightly coupled to pure functions even if it’s strictly not the same.

Referential transparency is a property of code that allows to replace an expression with the result of evaluating that expression everywhere in the program without changing the result of the program. Said the other way around, if you can replace a value with a reference to it (an expression) then that expression is referentially transparent. I’ll describe what an expression is later on in the chapter.

Being able to reason with the resulting value of a function is part of what makes FP simpler because it takes away the details of how that value is obtained.

Let’s see an example:

val a = 2
a + 3 * a
2 + 3 * 2

// Output:
//   Int = 8
//   Int = 8

In this very simple example a + 3 * a is referentially transparent because if we substitute a with its value 2 the result is the same.

All pure functions are necessarily referentially transparent. Since, by definition, they cannot access anything other than what they are given, their result must be fully determined by their arguments.

def stringLength(input: String): Int = {

def someCalculation(input: Int): Int = {
  input * 2 - 1

// All the following lines are equivalent
someCalculation(stringLength("functional")) + someCalculation(3)
someCalculation("functional".length) + someCalculation(3)
someCalculation(10) + someCalculation(3)
(10 * 2 - 1) + (3 * 2 - 1)

// Output:
//   Int = 24
//   Int = 24
//   Int = 24
//   Int = 24
//   Int = 24

Let’s see a counter example where we use an impure function and study the consequences:

// A shared variable somewhere else in the code
var counter: Int = 0

def incrementCounter(amount: Int): Int = {
  counter += amount

// We use the function without noticing it's not pure
incrementCounter(2) + incrementCounter(3)
(counter + 2) + (counter + 3)

// Output:
//   Int = 7
//   Int = 15

The two expressions return different values, as expected because incrementCounter is not pure, it makes use of a shared state in the form of the variable counter.

Sounds easy to me! Let’s see another example that is a more edge case:

def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
    // In this example I don't want to deal with error cases, so just return 1 when n < 0
    var accumulator: Int = 1

    for (i <- 1 to Math.max(0, n))
        accumulator = i * accumulator


Is this function pure or not? Is it referentially transparent or not? The for loop uses the state represented by the variable accumulator so the function uses a mutable state.

But even if we use a shared state the function is indeed referentially transparent because we can replace the call to this function with its output:


// Output:
//   Int = 6
//   Int = 6

The trick here is that we used local mutability and from the point of view of the caller the output of factorial depends only on the inputs and it will never know that the function makes use of a shared state. This can be acceptable as the function is externally pure but unless you have a very good reason like deep performance optimization you shouldn’t do it because it will become easier and easier to fall back to imperative style with all its drawbacks.

At this point you know all the things about referential transparency useful for programming but you can find more details in the Wikipedia page and a more practical description in the HaskellWiki.

Exercises 4.2


We want to work with a counter and write two functions to increment/decrement its value of a given amount. First solve this exercise writing a function in imperative style and then try to solve the same problem but using only pure functions. What’s the problem you’re encountering?


Write a pure function that discovers the maximum integer in a list of positive integers List[Int] => Int and returns -1 if the list is empty or if there are negative numbers or any other sort of issues. Solve the exercise without using scala .max() function but using mutable variables and a for loop. Is it still a pure function? Why?


How can you solve the previous exercise if we want the function to be able to work on a list that contains any integer and not just positive integers? You now need to express a situation where you can’t use the type Int to represent an “exceptional” situation because Int is part of your normal output.

On side effects

So we don’t like side effects. Or do we?

Have you noticed that all the side effects mentioned above are somewhat related to interacting with the world? That’s because what side effects are, interactions with the world. So we need them, we need interactions with the world, that’s why we write programs in the first place, to do stuff! To read and process files, to communicate on the network, to calculate a result and display it. The reason to run a program is to have side effects!

Pure functions do no real-world work.

Yes, this is the catch, pure functions are difficult to work with and make our lives as developers more unpredictable and frustrating but we need side effects and in functional programming we deal with them by keeping track of them, enveloping them into containers and pushing them at the side of our program where we accept side effect to happen but, let’s say, under supervision.

Functional programming doesn’t eliminate or hide side effect, it pushes them into confined and controlled spaces where it’s easier to work with and this handling is explicit and clear to the developer that then becomes aware of side effects.

Over the years scientists and programmers all around the world have developed (and are still actively working on) a lot of techniques and tools to have side effects that we can control and deal with.

Before these techniques were discovered and developed in Haskell, the researchers that built Haskell were having a very difficult time to just use pure functions and they didn’t really know how interact with the operating system, read files, execute commands until monads were understood to be the key of sequential computation and to be useful to wrap side effects! Have a look at the interesting story of the development of Haskell to learn more about the history and development of FP.

I want to add that functional programming is also about working with the tools and techniques to deal with side effects efficiently and cleanly, to understand and build an intuition and fluency that allows us developers to reason at a different level about side effects.

Right now is too early to introduce and talk about these tools and techniques, we need a bit more background but you can already start assimilating the facts that:

  • side effects are bad;
  • pure functions have no side effects;
  • we need side effects to interact with the world;
  • thus we need tools and techniques to tightly control and handle side effects;
  • we usually handle side effects in a controlled environment at the sides of your core logic.

A very good resource to get an all round understanding of pure function is provided by Chapter 1 of Functional Programming in Scala

Exercises 4.3


Write a pure function List[A] => Int that counts the number of elements in the given list. Be mindful to not use mutable variables or it wouldn’t be a pure function. Is it possible at all?

Loops and immutable values

From the previous exercise you should have noticed that it’s not possible to use a classic for/while loop without using mutable variables. This is because of the very nature of the loop itself.

An imperative style loop needs to update a shared state (in many cases a variable defined outside the loop) to perform it job. The instruction it contains are executed a certain amount of time, in accordance with the condition of the loop and the result of each iteration is stored in this shared state that ultimately becomes the result of the entire loop.

Taking this reasoning to its logical conclusion we can say that a loop has side effects and mutable variables allow these side effects. So they should be avoided.

This can sound like a big crippling problem for a developer. How can we work without loops? We have already started to build the tools necessary to understand how to work in a pure manner in FP and in the next few chapters we will carry this work on and we will analyse and discuss the techniques used to overcome this apparent limitation and actually gain more power and elegance from our code: immutable data structures and recursion.

As this answer on StackOverflow points out, using pure functions and immutable variables allows us to prove facts about our system (functions, data) that we can later use to abstract over the details and understand. We will cover immutable data structures in a future chapter but if you like you can understand more about how immutable variables this article is a good introduction. The article is about OOP but it recognizes that they do not fit directly in the OOP world.
