The Road to Functional Programming

Educational material to learn functional programming in Scala, from scratch, in a structured and comprehensive way.

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Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

This chapter will explain the importance of modularity in system designs and why FP is so good at it. We will also introduce the basic building block of FP modularity and a glimpse on how to do it for less trivial situations.

Exercise 5.1


In this exercise we have two components that take care of users and of billing. We want to make use of these existing functionalities and you have to create a new function that displays the bill for all the users. Changing the existing code is not allowed but you are allowed to use mutable variables for simplicity.

object UserComponent {
  private val users = List(
    "Olivia", "Ruby", "Emily", "Grace",
    "Jack", "Oliver", "Thomas", "Harry"

  var status = "enabled"

  def getUser(i: Int): String = {
    if (i >= users.length && status == "enabled") {
      status = "illegal"
    } else if (status == "disabled") {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException()
    } else {
      status = "disabled"

object BillComponent {
  def getBillForUser(user: String): Double = {
    UserComponent.status = "updating"


Similar to the previous exercise we want to reuse some existing functionalities but this time the two components behave differently. You are allowed to use mutable variables for simplicity.

object UserComponent {
  private val users = List(
    "Olivia", "Ruby", "Emily", "Grace",
    "Jack", "Oliver", "Thomas", "Harry"

  def getUser(i: Int): String = {
    if (i >= users.length) ""
    else users(i)

object BillComponent {
  def getBillForUser(user: String): Double = {

Modularity and Composition

The last exercise wanted to show how difficult it can be to program with impure functions and to use together components that are coupled together, even if they are only few lines it can still be difficult to reason about them. Ok, it’s a silly example created with the explicit purpose of making it difficult but in real life you will have tens or hundreds of components, probably a shared state somewhere in the form of a database or a connection, you’ll have thousand of lines between functions and you or your colleagues won’t notice subtle side effects.

This brings us to the next topic. Composition and modularity are the two key properties of software design that enable us to build complex software systems (complex, not complicated!).

Quoting the definition of modularity from Wikipedia:

Broadly speaking, modularity is the degree to which a system’s components may be separated and recombined, often with the benefit of flexibility and variety in use.1 The concept of modularity is used primarily to reduce complexity by breaking a system into varying degrees of interdependence and independence across and “hide the complexity of each part behind an abstraction and interface.

While, quoting composition, is:

The act of combining parts or elements to form a whole.

On their own modules are;

  • reusable
  • testable
  • parallelisable
  • maintainable

It might be obvious why these properties hold and it’s because they all derive from the fact that a module is, or at least it should be, independent, self contained, small box. Because they are a self-contained unit you can reuse modules by simply “plugging” the inputs you want and get from them their output. For the same reason you can “plug” fake values and look at their output to perform thorough and simple testing.

Composition helps us in building complex software that is:

  • scalable
  • reasonable

Bigger system are created by composing smaller modules and making them work together using the rules of composition. Each module is easier to understand as a unit of work and you don’t need to know its internals to understand what it does, in fact a module is an abstraction. The laws of composition ensure that as things get larger they don’t get too complex to understand. This process can be done in different layers because a module itself, instead of the whole system, can be built by composition other modules.

This article expands on software composition in the specific, it discusses how developers do it all the time, even without noticing and gives several examples.

Function composition

The introduction to modularity and composition should make clear how important they are. Now a question: what is the smaller module that you, as a developer, can write? That is a pure function!

Pure functions are the smallest modules you can build that have the properties described above. They are reusable and testable, they are independent and maintainable. Once you define a function, that function can be called by other code or by tests. Being a pure function it can be used in concurrent computation and, if you are a good developer, it’s small enough that is easily maintainable.

You could argue that expressions, that we’ve seen at the beginning of this chapter, are more fundamental units that a developer can write. But I don’t think that’s correct because they’re not reusable, you can’t call a single expression multiple times, you just have to write it again.

Good! So the first step to write composable software is to understand pure functions composition.

Intuitively, two functions are composable if the input of the second function can accept the output of the first one. By giving an example, if we have two functions:

val f: Int => String = _.toString
val g: String => Boolean = _ == ""

// Output:
//   f: Int => String
//   g: String => Boolean

then, because the input of g coincides with the output of f, we can define a new function that passes the result of the first function to the second function by composing them:

val h: Int => Boolean = x => g(f(x))      // Int => String => Boolean

// Output:
//   h: Int => Boolean

To build familiarity with function composition you should focus of types because that’s what will tell you what is possible. Have a look at their arguments types and return type to understand how they fit together.

Scala, being a functional language and having functions as first class citizens, allows developers to use an additional notation to express functions called point-free notation. This is away of expressing functions that doesn’t use variables and it works especially well in function composition because it removes some redundant information like if we define an argument used only once.

For example point-free notation is very nice when printing a list:

// Traditional notation
List(1, 2, 3).foreach(x => println(x))

// Reduced notation
List(1, 2, 3).foreach(println(_))

// Point-free notation
List(1, 2, 3).foreach(println)

// Point-free notation with less symbols
List(1, 2, 3) foreach println

Note that println is a function of one argument Any => Unit. The point-free notation is particularly nice when used for function composition.

Scala gives use two nice composition operator: compose and andThen that can be used to perform function composition in point-free style, which means applying one function after the other without indicating the variable being used and creating a new function as a result:

val f: Double => Int = { _.toString.length }
val g: Int => String = { x => "a" * x }
val h: String => Boolean = { _.isEmpty }

// Output
//   f: Double => Int
//   g: Int => String
//   h: String => Boolean

val k1 = g andThen h  // <==>  val k1 = h(g(x))
                      // <==>  val k1 = { x => ("a" * x).isEmpty }

val k2 = g compose f  // <==>  val k2 = g(f(x))
                      // <==>  val k2 = { x => "a" * (x.toString.length) }

// Output
//   k1: Int => Boolean
//   k2: Double => String


// Output
//   Boolean = true
//   Boolean = false
//   String = "aaaaaa"

Let’s see how the point-free notation can make our function composition clearer in a more articulated example:

case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String)

val alphabeth: Int => String = List.tabulate(_)(i => ('a' + i).toChar).mkString

val split: String => (String, String) = value => value.splitAt(value.length / 2)

val fromTuple: ((String, String)) => User = data => User(data._1, data._2)

In this example the problem we want to solve is to build a User composing the functions we have and for this purpose we want to create two functions, one that creates a user given a username and the other that creates a user with a random name:

// Composing just two of the functions
def createUser(fullName: String): User = {
  val s = split(fullName)

// Composing all the functions and all in one line
def createRandomUser(i: Int): User = fromTuple(split(alphabeth(i)))

going back to our previous example we can now compose in a much cleaner and understandable way:

// Several examples of "compose" and "andThen"
val createRandomUser1: Int => User = fromTuple compose split compose alphabeth
val createUser1: String => User    = split andThen fromTuple
val createRandomUser2: Int => User = createUser1 compose alphabeth
val createRandomUser3: Int => User = alphabeth andThen split andThen fromTuple


// Output
//   User = User("abc", "def")
//   User = User("a", "d")

Exercises 5.2

Exercise 5.2.1

In this exercise we want to create new users if the data that we are provided is valid. For this purpose we have two validation functions that check if name and age are correct.

Create a function createUser that accepts a name: String and an age: Int and creates a User after having validated the inputs by using (composing) the existing functions. Why the two validation functions are returning a tuple and what’s that Boolean for?

case class User(name: String, age: Int)

def validateName(name: String): (Boolean, String) =
  if (name != null && name.nonEmpty) (true, name) else (false, null)

def validateAge(age: Int): (Boolean, Int) =
  if (age > 0) (true, age) else (false, 0)

def createUser(name: String, age: Int)...

Exercise 5.2.2

In a similar fashion to the above exercise we now want to play with composition of numerical functions. Mathematical operations are not always defined on all the real numbers so we take care of their domain by checking the input value.

def sqrt(value: Double): (Boolean, Double) =
  if (value >=0 ) (true, Math.sqrt(value)) else (false, 0)

def ln(value: Double): (Boolean, Double) =
  if (value >=0 ) (true, Math.log(value)) else (false, 0)

def div(num: Double, den: Double): (Boolean, Double) =
  if (den != 0) (true, num / den) else (false, 0)

Given a number x, create the following calculation functions:

  • f1(x: Double): (Boolean, Double) such that the output is sqrt(2.0 * x)
  • f2(x: Double): (Boolean, Double) such that the output is div(sqrt(x), x - 3.0)
  • f3(x: Double): (Boolean, Double) such that the output is div(sqrt(2.0 * x), ln(x - 1.0) - 1.0)

Stepping up composition

You might have noticed in the last exercises that you couldn’t use the composition functions andThen and compose that we’ve seen and that’s because you don’t have return values that match the input values of the next function.

The real big point to understand is that we want to have composable pieces of code and we want this composition to be easy and painless but we don’t always work with simple functions like the ones we’ve seen so far, with one argument and one output but potentially we’ll have more arguments or with more complex types. Or perhaps we are not working with functions but with lists and we want to somewhat compose all the elements of the list together or we want to perform aggregation or we are dealing with deferred results.

It would be great if there were ways to have composition “in the bigger”. Of course we’re not talking about composition of distributed systems or dependencies management, I’m talking more about interoperation between modules of code like libraries.

This is one of the key realizations when becoming a functional programmer. You want composition, you look for composition, you build for composition and you leverage libraries for composition. Most of the contents we’ll see will revolve around how to make composable code, from higher order functions, to functor and monads. We just started the journey and there’s still lot more to cover and understand!

There are several great minds out there that teach that software scalability lies in modularity and that modularity is very, very hard. FP just one tool that helps us but it’s a great tool for enabling modular software so much that someone argued that OOP happened by accident in the search for modularity. The two videos I linked are quite opinionated but I can promise you that if you dig deep into FP you’ll see by yourself how much OOP is overrated and many of the mainstream programming languages right now are including more and more features from FP language like Scala. I believe one of the strong points of Scala that makes it such a great tool is because it offers features of both worlds and developer can pick the solution that fits best for their scenario.

An interesting comparison between OOP and FP is made evident by how languages that have their foundations in these two paradigms try to solve the expression problem. The article The Expression Problem and its solutions give a good glimpse at the two perspectives, although it uses C++ and Clojure it’s still an interesting read.

Exercises 5.3


Looking at exercise 5.2.1, can the function createUser call the validation functions in parallel? What about the functions three solution functions (f1, f2 and f3) of exercise 5.2.2, can they call the mathematical functions in parallel? What’s the difference?
