The Road to Functional Programming

Educational material to learn functional programming in Scala, from scratch, in a structured and comprehensive way.

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Advanced functions concepts

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

After having introduced pure functions and composition in the previous chapters, there are many more things to know about functions, how can we play with them and what Scala allows us to do and it’s important you become accustomed to these features because they’ll play a role in the rest of the lessons.

On Scala functions

A side note about Scala functions. Even it they’re very similar, Scala treats functions and methods in different ways.

Rob Norris wrote a great and simple article that explains in details that in Scala Methods are not Functions and here I only want to summarize what is useful for this material. I also find this Stackoverflow question very good at explaining what they are and their differences.

In Scala, function value are instances of objects while methods are native entities that can be called on the JVM. This distinction is caused by design choices that Scala made to work on the JVM and methods and function value have different properties and work a bit differently from each other.

Yes, functions in Scala are objects and more precisely they are instances of a set of of objects named after the number of arguments of the function.

  • Functions with no arguments are instances of the object Function0[+R]
  • Functions with one argument are instances of the object Function1[-T1, +R]
  • Functions with two arguments are instances of the object Function2[-T1, -T2, +R]
  • And so on up to Function22

Each time you define a function value, even an anonymous function, the Scala compiler will create an instance of these objects and it will implement the method apply with the body of the function you specified

Here we can see how this is true. The following three function literals are all equivalent:

val f: (String, Int) => Boolean = (s, i) => (s.length * i) < 10
val g: Function2[String, Int, Boolean] = (s, i) => (s.length * i) < 10
val h: Function2[String, Int, Boolean] = new Function2[String, Int, Boolean] {
  def apply(s: String, i: Int): Boolean = (s.length * i) < 10

// Output
//   f: (String, Int) => Boolean
//   g: (String, Int) => Boolean
//   h: (String, Int) => Boolean

g("ABC", 3)
h.apply("ABC", 3)

// Output
//   Boolean = true
//   Boolean = true

What’s useful to understand for us now is that if you want to use a method as a function you need to somewhat convert it to an instance of FunctionN (by FunctionN I mean one of the Function0, Function1, Function2 and so on objects. FunctionN is not a Scala object). This process is done automatically by the compiler when it is able to infer what function type is needed, in what is called eta-expansion, or manually by appending the eta-expansion postfix operator _ after the method itself.

It’s very simple and here you can see how it’s used:

// This is a function
val f: Int => Int = { _ * 2 }

// This is a method
def g(x: Int): Int = { x * 2 }

// Automatic conversion via eta-expansion. Here we explicitly
// define the result type so that the compiler can infer that
// it needs to apply eta-expansion
val h: Int => Int = g

// Manual convertion using the eta-expansion operator
val k = g _

// Output
//   f: Int => Int
//   defined function g
//   h: Int => Int
//   k: Int => Int

Here is another example that we can study:

// Just a value
val aValue: Int = 3

// A method
def aMethod(x: Int): Int = { x * 2 }

// A function
val aFunction: Int => Int = { _ * 2 }

// Convertion to function using automatic eta-expansion
val automaticEtaExpansion: Int => Int = aMethod

// Convertion to function using manual eta-expansion
val manualEtaExpansion = aMethod _

Eta expansion (manual or automatic) works by wrapping the call of the method inside a FunctionN object. In the example above, the function manualEtaExpansion is translated into something like:

val manualEtaExpansion: Function1[Int, Int] = new Function1[Int, Int] {
  def apply(i: Int): Int = aMethod(i)

Parametricity and pure function signatures

For now I won’t get into details on what parametricity is and I will assume the reader is familiar with the Scala type parameters and more details can be read in this excellent article in two parts that also talk about bounds, variance and subtyping.

If you think about it, functions with no inputs or functions that return Unit are always impure functions because if they return Unit without any side effect then they won’t be useful and therefore they must have side effects. If they require no input then their output must come from a side effect making it again impure pretty much by definition.

This is a very simple example of how the signature of a function can be of great interest in functional programming, because they can tell us a lot and we can reason about them in a very general way.

Function signatures are a very powerful and general tool that can be used to prove general properties about the function you’re analysing. This concept is much more general and it was introduced by Philip Wadler in his paper Theorems for free and Tony Morris has an excellent and comprehensive set of slides on why parametricity is an important very useful and how it can be used. Amongst other things he argues that polymorphic functions can prove things about what a function can or cannot do.

Let’s see some examples to get an intuition of what I mean. Given a function with this signature:

def mickeymouse(n: Int): Int

how many implementations can you think of? There is a vast amount of functions that fit this signature and we cannot say much about its content. The function could simply return always the same number, it can do any kind of operation to the input number before spitting it out, it can contain logic like if statements and so on. Let’s pick one implementation like this other function, which has the same signature as the previous one:

def doubleInput(n: Int): Int = if (n % 2 == 0) n * 2 else n * 3

Well, clearly this is a pure function and has a well defined body. But its name can’t be trusted as documentation! In fact trying to unit test this function might result in a lot of frustration!

Time to use parametricity to see what we gain. But also what we loose. Given this function definition:

def donalduck[A](a: A): A

find its complete implementation.

When we start writing the body of the function we see that the function must return a value of type A. How many ways we have to obtain a value of type A to return? Can we make it up? We can’t because we don’t know what the actual type A is. In one call it might be an Int in another it might be an instance of an object. Because we’re creating a pure function we can’t magically find this value in a upper scope. From inside the function there is only one place where we can obtain an A and that is in the variable a of type A. There’s no other way.

So given the signature above we can be confident that the function’s complete and correct implementation is:

def identity[A](a: A): A = a

Let’s try again with a different example but similar reasoning:

def unclescrooge[A, B](a: A, f: A => B): B

We can analyse this function again by starting from the output value and working only with what we have available inside the function. The function has to return a B and we can obtain that value from the result of the function f. f returns a value of type B but it requires a value of type A to operate. Where can we get an A? From the value a that is also given as argument and the final implementation becomes:

def apply[A, B](a: A, f: A => B): B = f(a)

These are simple examples where there is only one possible implementations while in the real word we can have more possible implementations. Nonetheless the concept remains the same and this technique is very powerful. I strongly encourage you to read the slides linked in the references and to work on the following exercises.

Exercises 5.1


Implements the functions with the following definitions. Note that there might be any number of implementation, none, one or more (in this last case implement only a few):

def f[A](a: A, b: A): A
def g[A, B](a: A, b: B): A
def h[A, B](a: A, b: B): B


Implement the functions with the following definitions:

def f[A, B](as: Option[A]): Option[B]
def g[A, B](as: List[A]): List[B]
def h[A](as: List[A]): List[A]
def i[A, B](as: List[A], f: A => B): List[B]

How many implementations did you find? Why is that?

Type inhabitants

Scala encoding of functions

Scala PartialFunction, similarities with the chain of responsibility pattern


What is currying How to curry and uncurry a function Real world examples like setting the values of a function and then use the function around Use it as a block


Just a commodity


WIP What are closures How to use them Examples and exercises

Memoization, or values as functions

There is another way we can understand pure functions different from what we have talked so far. We can think of pure functions are replacement machines that for every input value substitute an output value (see later on the discussion about mathematical functions).

Using this point of view we can perform a neat trick: we can tabulate each result value of running a function in a table that for every input it associates the relative output and/or we can store this correspondence in a data structure.

Let’s make an example and create a function to convert hexadecimal digits into decimal. The input type of this function is the set of hexadecimal digits from the number 0 to the number 9 and from letter a to letter f. The function we want to write converts each single digit into its corresponding integer value. Such a function can be easily written as:

def hex2dec(s: String): Int = {
  Integer.parseInt(s, 16)


// Output:
//   Int = 2
//   Int = 11

We can think of a version where we tabulate all the possible input values and for each one we return the corresponding value. In this way we are establishing a relation which is a function:

def hex2dec(s: String): Int = s.toLowerCase match {
  case "0" => 0
  case "1" => 1
  case "2" => 2
  case "3" => 3
  case "4" => 4
  case "5" => 5
  case "6" => 6
  case "7" => 7
  case "8" => 8
  case "9" => 9
  case "a" => 10
  case "b" => 11
  case "c" => 12
  case "d" => 13
  case "e" => 14
  case "f" => 15


// Output:
//   Int = 10

Of course this is a useless example but in real world application we can have all sort of relations and what I want to highlight here is that pure functions can actually be represented by simple data and a relation.

This might seem a waste of time but this technique can be exploited to speed up the calculation of expensive functions by building a dynamic table of the results as we go.

Let’s say we have an expensive function, expensiveOperation, that takes a long time to perform its job. We can wrap it inside another function, we then define a mutable dictionary that will map the relation between inputs and output values and we place this dictionary inside an object to hide it from the user. The resulting function will be pure because we make use of the concept of local mutability so that our version of expensiveOperation is referentially transparent.

Every time we call the function with a given input x we look inside this dictionary and if there is a key defined for x. If there is not we call the expensive function and we save the result in the dictionary otherwise we return the result immediately:

object Calculations {
  import collection.mutable._

  private var calculateTable: HashMap[Int, Int] = HashMap.empty

  def calculate(n: Int): Int = {
    def expensiveOperation(x: Int): Int = {
      x * x
    calculateTable.getOrElseUpdate(n, expensiveOperation(n))

Calculations.calculate(3)    // The first time you run this it will take 3 seconds
Calculations.calculate(3)    // This uses the memoized value and returns immediately

// Output:
//   Int = 9
//   Int = 9

This technique is called memoization and it’s a powerful tool made possible by the use of pure functions. Many times it’s not as trivial as here to memoize a function because the values might be infinite but this is not the place to get into more details.

Pure functions and mathematics

With pure functions you have at your disposal mathematics that can help you talk about functions and visualize what is happening and what the functions is doing because we can use this new tool to draw diagrams of the functions.

In mathematics a function is a relation that given an input set and an output set (that can also be the same) it associates element of the input set to elements of the output set and it never associates elements in the input to more than one element in the output. We can colloquially call this operation mapping and say that a function maps elements of the input set into elements of the output set.

The input set is called domain of the function and the output set is called codomain of the function.

If the function maps every element of the domain then the functions is called total otherwise it is called partial.

If different input elements of a function are always associated with different output elements then the function is called injective. Intuitively injective functions don’t collapse input elements in the output but they keep them separate.

If a function, after it has done its job of associating inputs elements into outputs elements, has used all the elements of the codomain then the function is called surjective. Surjective functions are different than injective so different input elements can be mapped to the same output element.

If a function is both injective and surjective then it is called bijective or isomorphic. This is a really important concept in mathematics because it tells us that that to every input element there is one and only one output element associated to it and that all output elements are associated with one and only one input element. In turn this gives us the power to go back and forth from any input element to an output element and vice-versa. In other words it exists a functions that reverses the original functions. Such a function is called inverse.

To summarize, this is the list of concepts we just talked about: domain, codomain, total, partial, injective, surjective, isomorphic, inverse.

We don’t need to go deeper than this and we’ll use these concepts to visualize and to understand what happens. We’ll see similar things when we will talk about categories.

Pure functions allow us to use the same terminology in programming because they correspond to mathematical functions. In programming we talk of input and output types instead of sets.

Lambda Calculus and pure functions

WIP What is lambda calculus and why it’s important. Brief historical overview Explain turing machines and equivalence to lambda calculus Everything is a function so we can use function to build everything Closures as free variables in lambda calculus

Exercises 5.2


For each of the following questions tell the domain and codomain of the function, if the function is total or partial and if it is surjective, injective or bijective:

  1. a function String => String that associate each string with their reverse (e.g. “Scala” -> “alacS”);

  2. a function Int => Int that associates negative numbers with their positive value;

  3. a function Int => Int that associates even numbers into their double;


Given a case class case class Person(name: String, surname: String) create a function Person => (String, String) that associates an instance of Person to a tuple that contains name and surname. Is this function a bijection? If yes write also its inverse.
