Using Figlet4s

These examples show step-by-step how to use Figlet4s. This is a basic scenario where we assume the users don’t want to use or deal with effects, and it’s acceptable that errors are thrown as exceptions.

The general way to use Figlet4s involves 3 steps:

  1. Obtain a builder to set the options.
  2. Configure the options of the builder, if needed.
  3. Render a text into a FIGure

A FIGure is the object that holds the rendered text. Once you have a FIGure you can do further processing like printing it or converting it to a string.

import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._

object Main extends App {

  // 1. Obtain an options builder
  val builder = Figlet4s.builder()

  // 2. In this example we use the default configuration

  // 3. Render a text into a FIGure
  val figure = builder.render("Hello, World!")

  // Do something with the FIGure


Setting options

In this example we see some options that you can configure, and we see a more compact way of making the calls, without storing objects at each step.

import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._
import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.options._

object Main extends App {

    .builder("Hello, World!")      // 1. Create the options builder with a text to render
    .withMaxWidth(80)              // 2. Max width of the text
    .withInternalFont("calgphy2")  // 2. Set the font
    .defaultMaxWidth()             // 2. Go back to the default max  width
      HorizontalLayout.FullWidth   // 2. Choose a layout
    .text("Hello, Scala!")         // 2. Change the text to render
    .render()                      // 3. Render the text to a FIGure
    .print()                       // Do something with the FIGure


Playing with the FIGure

When the FIGure is rendered you can play with it. We’ve seen how to print it to screen, but you can also obtain the displayable lines SubLines, that compose the FIGure as a collection and then you can manipulate it.

For example, the logo of Figlet4s was created with this code:

import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._

object Main extends App {

    .foreach { case (line, i) =>
      if (i == 4) println(s"$line  ASCII-art banners, in Scala")
      else println(line)


Listing all fonts

You can easily list all the fonts that are shipped with Figlet4s with a simple call to Figlet4s.internalFonts.

The following code displays the name of each available internal font using the font itself (beware, it will be a pretty long output!):

import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._
import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.options._

object Main extends App {

  for (fontName <- Figlet4s.internalFonts) {
    val font = Figlet4s.loadFontInternal(fontName)


Examples of Horizontal Layouts

The horizontal layout is how figlet lays out each individual character.

Full width layout

The full width layout displays all FIGcharacters at their full width, which may be fixed or variable, depending on the font.


import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._
import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.options._

object Main extends App {

    .builder("Hello, World!")



  _   _          _   _                __        __                 _       _   _
 | | | |   ___  | | | |   ___         \ \      / /   ___    _ __  | |   __| | | |
 | |_| |  / _ \ | | | |  / _ \         \ \ /\ / /   / _ \  | '__| | |  / _` | | |
 |  _  | |  __/ | | | | | (_) |  _      \ V  V /   | (_) | | |    | | | (_| | |_|
 |_| |_|  \___| |_| |_|  \___/  ( )      \_/\_/     \___/  |_|    |_|  \__,_| (_)

Horizontal fitting layout (kerning)

As many blanks as possible are removed between FIGcharacters, so that they touch, but the FIGcharacters are not smushed.


import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._
import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.options._

object Main extends App {

    .builder("Hello, World!")



 _   _        _  _           __        __            _      _  _
| | | |  ___ | || |  ___     \ \      / /___   _ __ | |  __| || |
| |_| | / _ \| || | / _ \     \ \ /\ / // _ \ | '__|| | / _` || |
|  _  ||  __/| || || (_) |_    \ V  V /| (_) || |   | || (_| ||_|
|_| |_| \___||_||_| \___/( )    \_/\_/  \___/ |_|   |_| \__,_|(_)

Horizontal smushing layout

The FIGcharacters are displayed as close together as possible, and overlapping sub-characters are removed. Exactly which sub-characters count as overlapping depends on the font’s layout mode, which is defined by the font’s author. It will not smush a font whose author specified kerning or full width as the default layout mode.


import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.unsafe._
import com.colofabrix.scala.figlet4s.options._

object Main extends App {

    .builder("Hello, World!")



 _   _      _ _         __        __         _     _ _
| | | | ___| | | ___    \ \      / /__  _ __| | __| | |
| |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \    \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ _` | |
|  _  |  __/ | | (_) |    \ V  V / (_) | |  | | (_| |_|
|_| |_|\___|_|_|\___( )    \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_(_)