Figlet Glossary

Figlet4s defines several concepts that broadly correspond to the ones defined in the The FIGfont Version 2 FIGfont and FIGdriver Standard but in this library they might assume a more specific meaning.


A FIGlet Font is a map of characters to their FIG-representation, and the typographic settings used to display them.


It’s a single FIGlet character, part of a FIGfont, that maps a single Char to its FIGlet representation, and it’s composed of SubLines/SubColumns.


FIGLettering Font file header that contains the raw configuration settings for the FIGfont.


A FIGure is String rendered with a specific FIGfont ultimately built by concatenating and merging FIGcharacters following a specific layout.

SubLine and SubColumn

Represents the SubLines/SubColumns in Figlet which are the String that compose each line/column of the FIGure or of a FIGcharacter.